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Munich Central Train Station Hotel - Information about Munich Central Train Station

Time Zone:

Greenwich Mean Time plus one hour (two hours in summer): Time in Munich is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time in New York. (7 hours ahead of central time in Chicago, etc.) Munich uses the 24 hour clock, so the numeral 1 on a US watch would be read as 1 in the early morning or 13 in the afternoon, etc. Transportation timetables and schedules will use this method of representation of time. (designations of am and pm are unnecessary)


International Dialing Code:

The country code for Germany is 49. There is no need to use this prefix when calling within the country. To call Germany from the United States or Canada, omit the first 0 from the German number and add the prefix 011 49.


Emergency numbers:

Police 110 Fire 112 Ambulance 110. Emergency calls are free from phone booths.
Average Temperatures (in Fahrenheit):
High Low
January - March 46 25
April - June 68 36
July - September 72 50
October - December 55 27

The German climate is variable so it is best to be prepared for all types of weather throughout the year. The most pleasant and predictable weather is from May to October. This coincides, of course, with the standard tourist season (except for skiing). The interim periods can bring fewer tourists and surprisingly pleasant weather. There is no special rainy season.

Useful measurements:

1 cm 0.39 inches
1 meter 3.28 feet / 1.09 yards
1 km 0.62 miles
1 liter 0.26 gallons
1 inch 2.54 cm
1 foot 0.39 meters
1 yard 0.91 meters
1 mile 1.60 km
1 gallon 3.78 liters



US travelers just need a valid passport (no visa).



220V, 50 Hz Electrical sockets take plugs with two round prongs or sometimes three. American appliances will need a plug adapter and will require a transformer if they do not have a dual voltage capability. Most hotels will supply guests with an ironing board and iron if requested.


Travelers with special needs:

Information is available from Hilfe für Behinderte, Kirchfeldstrasse 149, D-39606 Düsseldorf 1. tel. 0211 310 060.

For the blind: the Bayerischer Blindungsbund EV in Munich is at Arnulfstrasse, near the main railway station) and is open Mon-Thurs 8:30-noon and 1-3:30 Fri. 8:30-noon and 1-2.


Culture and education in Munich:

10 Universities with 98.202 Students

136 public libraries with 47 city libraries

46 museums and collections

2 opera houses and 58 theatres



Currency is the Euro (EUR). The notes are in denominations of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, and 5 euro. The denominations of coins are 2 euro, 1 euro, 50 euro cent, 20 euro cent, 10 euro cent, 5 euro cent, 2 euro cent, and 1 euro cent.


Credit Cards:

All the major international brands of bank cards - MasterCard, Visa and American Express - are recognized but not yet widely accepted, except at major hotels, gas stations and department stores. Don't assume that you'll be able to use your card to pay for meals at restaurants. ATMs are numerous throughout Germany and there should be no problem accessing credit or debit accounts in this way. Foreign currency can be exchanged at banks and special exchange shops in Munich.



Tips are not normally given or expected, but a customer can tip for excellent service. The usual tip would be 10%.



Munich's new airport, Franz Josef Strauss Flughafen, is 19 miles north of the city center and is connected to the train station (Hauptbahnhof) by S-Bahn #1 or #8. S-Bahn trains run 24 hours a day to the main railroad station.



The bus station is close to the train station.



(Subway) runs daily from 5am-1am.



(suburban train network) covers the city center and beyond as does the U-Bahn. Service is efficient and on time.


Day Tickets:

Day tickets and weekly passes covering the centre and most of Schwabing are available. Note that these passes are valid from Monday to Monday, so buying midweek means losing money. Tickets for a week or more require ID and two photos; all others can be bought from the automatic machines in all U-Bahn stations, at some bus and tram stops, and inside trams.



A car is unnecessary in Munich and the surrounding area. The transportation network is amazing in its efficiency and extent. Public transportation via bus, subway and train is available throughout the city and into all of the surrounding area. There are numerous connections to cities throughout Germany and the rest of Europe.

train station hotel